Medici Contro la Tortura

“For me, the real rehabilitation from torture has been their warmth, respect, confidence, and concern”

Ali, Iran

Giving people back their lives and their hope is the best job we can imagine, and doing this takes courage, determination, and deep commitment. But that’s not enough: we need financial resources to treat the physical and mental wounds of those who come to us for help.


Medici Contro la Tortura (Doctors Against Torture) is a volunteer association that offers care and support to the victims of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment, no matter what their country of origin.

Learn more about us

Against Torture

Torture is practiced in over 100 countries around the world. Three quarters of the global population live under governments that employ it. One refugee in four has been tortured.

Learn what we mean by torture

What we do

Those who seek help from Medici Contro la Tortura are assisted by teams that include physicians, psychologists, social workers, and cultural mediators.

Learn what we do

“In my village, the elders gather under a baobab tree to discuss important things. You’re my baobab tree”

Sogah, Camerun

Our Supporters

Project supported by

Fondazione Haiku Lugano
c/o Cortesi & Associati SA – Via Cantonale 19 – 6900 Lugano (Svizzera)

Project supported by


Project supported by “8 per 1000” funds from the Waldensian Church


Ufficio Otto per Mille della Tavola Valdese
Via Firenze, 38 – 00184 Roma

Rete Radie Resch

Rete Radiè Resch